How Prosure360 Supports Organisations in Achieving ISO45001

August 29, 2024

Most organisations have probably heard of ISO45001 and are currently working towards the certification because it offers a wealth of business benefits. Not only will ISO45001 help you attract and retain stakeholders, but it also positions you as an industry leader.

One of the key areas in the standard focuses on contractor management; this highlights the need for your business to demonstrate your contractor management process. Without a streamlined contractor management process in place, you risk losing out on getting your ISO45001 certification. In this brochure, we’ll uncover how Prosure360 can make it easier to achieve ISO45001.

The way that your business manages contractors plays a major role is achieving the ISO45001 certification. In our brochure, we’ll uncover everything you need to know about achieving ISO45001, as well as how Prosure360 can support you.

Throughout the ISO45001 standard, managing contractors and suppliers is mentioned numerous times, requiring organisations to have a contractor management process in place. Businesses need to be able to demonstrate this to an ISO auditor to support the achievement of the accreditation.

This involves having a system in place to check the qualifications and certifications of contractors to minimise risks and promote health and safety. If you are hoping to achieve the ISO45001 accreditation, you need to have a scalable contractor management process in place which must be clearly communicated and easily accessible to all relevant parties.

Download our ISO45001 Brochure

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