Prosure360 By Scott Anderson

July 19, 2023

We are seeing some consistent trends in 2023, amongst the many organisations which we support. The need to tightly control risks and manage the controls around them, continue to be an area of focus and priority.

Many organisations we speak to are finding this increasingly challenging – with a skills gap shortage being compounded by increasing internal pressure on costs, resulting in gaps in process and the confidence to robustly mitigate risk not only internally but also across their supplier and subcontractor base.

We often meet organisations who have selected and purchased software systems for processes and task management, to mitigate the challenges in resources. Often it seems that they have found such systems create more work, or ultimately do not solve the problem they were expected to. This causes frustration and puts further pressure on costs, as often these systems have taken significant financial investment, as well as time and effort to try to implement. Furthermore, they can also create disparate data and insights, and inconsistent processes.


Prosure360 principles

Prosure360’s Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) with a pre-qualification option for suppliers and contractors, ensure organisations:

  • Have the ability to set their own standards and requirements
  • Enable contractors to demonstrate their capabilities in respect of the work they allocate to them through audits and validation of their capability
  • Offer solutions which enhance the implementation of their Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategies
  • Have confidence that there are ongoing monitoring processes in place
  • Are able to control costs which suppliers will pay making sure they are fair, especially in the current business climate
  • Include human and personal 1:1 support and help for suppliers to minimise hassle disruption and burden
  • Provide access to smaller and more flexible suppliers, without risking compromise in standards or safety, as well as meeting Social Value goals
  • Provide confidence that there are ongoing measures and monitoring, and that the audits are not just one time hurdles for suppliers to run through.

We are confident that we have a strong capability to disrupt the Supply Chain Management marketplace, and are onboarding new customers – as well as contractors and suppliers to Prosure360 on a daily basis.

Please take the opportunity to validate your current capabilities with us, with a no obligation audit from our industry experts at Prosure360, Lisa Saunders and Carina Metcalfe.

To find out more about Prosure360, please contact us.

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