A Complete Guide to Achieving the SSIP certificate

January 10, 2024

In the dynamic landscape of safety and compliance, understanding the importance of the SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) certificate is crucial. It is not just a requirement, but a strategic advantage for all contractors and businesses alike. Becoming SSIP verified indicates a clear dedication towards health and safety. It also raises your business profile and enhances credibility. In this article, we’ll uncover key questions regarding the SSIP certification and explore why it is such a game-changer for businesses navigating the complex maze of health and safety standards. As we navigate through the “what,” “why,” and “how” of SSIP, we will also consider how Prosure360 can help you achieve this verification.


What is SSIP?

SSIP, which stands for Safety Schemes in Procurement, serves as a collective entity that unites different health and safety schemes. The evaluation of SSIP assessments is centred around the core criteria sanctioned by the HSE. This outlines the fundamental expectations for a business to adhere to basic health and safety legislation. With almost 82,000 suppliers registered with SSIP Member Scheme, SSIP aims to improve occupational health and safety across the board. Despite the common belief, it’s essential to note that SSIP is not an verification itself, but rather a certification process.  


What is the SSIP verification?

Following the certification process, an SSIP certificate can be attained after an evaluation is conducted by a member of the SSIP Forum against the Core Criteria. The SSIP verification is worth its weight in gold and allows businesses to easily evidence their health and safety credentials. SSIP implements a Deem to Satisfy (DtS) agreement which is universally adopted by all SSIP Members. In a nutshell, the SSIP certificate is proof that a business has deemed to satisfy the core criteria, approved by HSE.  

Why is the SSIP verification important?

Obtaining the SSIP certification not only showcases a genuine dedication to health and safety, but also provides tangible evidence for your collaborators. For clients, this certification ensures a standardised approach, assuring them that all service providers meet consistent core criteria. The credibility of the certification is reinforced by the validation of assessments by qualified professionals. Achieving the SSIP certification streamlines the process of showcasing your health and safety credentials, offering a clear and credible demonstration of your commitment to maintaining a safe working environment. By achieving the certification, you can attract clients as you’ll have demonstrated that you can effectively manage risk and practice good health and safety in all areas of your work.


What is the SSIP Portal?

The SSIP Portal is a platform that offers a simple way to verify a supplier or contractors’ SSIP certificate.  This is an important tool in confirming the legitimacy of the certificate to ensure you make an informed choice about who you work with. Given that the portal provides real-time data, it’s always updated with the latest information meaning you can check if your suppliers are compliant with the Core Criteria.

Who is the SSIP certificate for?

The ultimate purpose of the SSIP verification is for businesses who want to prove their dedication to health and safety. So, it’s generally attained by contractors or contractor businesses who can demonstrate their compliance with the SSIP Core Criteria, aligned with PAS 91. The SSIP certificate is often associated with those working in construction because originally the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations introduced part of what became the SSIP Core Criteria. However, SSIP is also for it also extends its scope to encompass organisations and suppliers beyond construction. According to the SSIP Portal, 15% of the 65,000 suppliers operate in industries such as:

  • Facilities management.
  • Manufacturing.
  • Transport.
  • Engineering.
  • Outdoor contracting.

How can you get SSIP verified?

So, now you understand what the SSIP certificate is, how do you get verified? The first step towards getting SSIP verified is to read and understand the SSIP Core Criteria. Next, you need to implement the recommended best health and safety practices across your business and get assessed by an SSIP Forum Member.

What SSIP assessments does Prosure360 offer?

With Prosure360, you can set bespoke questions with our pre-qualified assessment, set around the SSIP core criteria. This gives you the insight needed to make an informed choice about the suppliers and contractors you work with. We provide SSIP assessments which we’ve now extended to include Republic of Ireland Duty Holder Categories, including:

  • SSIP Approved IE
  • SSIP Approved IE Contractor
  • SSIP Approved IE Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS)

Only a handful of SSIP approved providers can offer this. So, Prosure360 is unique because it can deliver the SSIP, specific to the IE market.


What are Prosure360’s capabilities?

With Prosure360, clients who have operations in Ireland will be able to have specific SSIP for that operational base. This gives them clear visibility between UK and Ireland based service providers. Additionally, businesses exclusively situated in Ireland can leverage Prosure360, enabling them to strengthen relationships with service providers by choosing the most suitable SSIP certification for their organisation. Only a limited number of SSIP approved providers have the capability to provide this service, making Prosure360 unique in its ability to deliver SSIP specifically tailored to the IE market. Achieving the SSIP certificate not only signifies a standardised approach to health and safety but it also allows organisations to show their commitment to maintaining quality standards across the board.

Become SSIP verified with Prosure360 and book a demo with us today!

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